Recycling is a very general term; meaning the re-use. It is worth distinguishing between three main modes of recycling. First, direct recycling to produce similar goods such as reusing lead from lead batteries. Secondly, indirect recycling to produce different or inferior products. For example mized papers are recycled to form cardboard. And thirdly, the reuse of products such as milk bottles. Recycling can provide cheaper products proevent disposal problems, conserve resources and reduce pollution from processing and manufacture. Moreover, less pollution and energy resources are involved in reformulating paper then in producing paper in forests. Moreover, recyclig usually indirectly involves the conservation of energy and other resources.
The scope for making better use of domestic refuse is considerable. Little effort has been made by local authorities to separate and recover materials from domestic waste, with a few exceptions such as the separate collections wastepaper and extraction of cans using magnets. Recycling of course is perhaps the best known way to reduec wase. Some countries are better than others in recycling materials. Especially ew can use paper bags instead of plastic bags as a daily practice.
Even with more efficient recycling, there will still be refuse. That means landfill and incinerator. However harmful emmitions will be formed. Well-managed waste disposal systems are needed for future. Landfill waste can also be burned to generate electricity. In the last analsysis, the wase crisis is almost always most effectively attacked close to the source.
Domestic recycling:
1)Papers 2)Cans 3)Plastic 4)Glasses 5)Milk bottles 6)Batteries 7)Organic wastes
There should be an international ban on the expport of environmentally dangerous waste especially two countries without the technology of waste disposal in safety ways.